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PENTACID SHARANGDHAR AYURVEDA - Ayurvedic Solution for acidity

Rs. 240.00

Available In: 60 Tablets, 120 Tablets


Information: In today’s age, many people face issues like chest burn, headache, and even improper sleep due to hyperacidity.  People who are unable to get rid of acidity, face problems like pimples, skin diseases, insomnia, heartburn, stomatitis, motion sickness, and so on. While Pentacid acts on the acid, therefore, eliminate the root cause of such ailments. Pentacid instantly reduce acidity. Pentacid is sweet, tasty & chewable. Hence, it can be used for children as well. Pentacid, Ayurvedic medicine for acidity, cures hyperacidity, chest burn as well as improves digestion.

Pentacid works best on,

  • Irritation of the throat and stomach
  • belching,
  • sour and bitter vomiting,
  • nausea,
  • uneasiness,
  • and other related problems.

Composition: Each tablet contains- Shankha Bhasma & Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) 20mg. each, Sajji-Kshar and Shuddha Gopichandan 80mg. each and Shuddha Gairik 120mg. Binders and Excipients q.s. as mentioned in Ayurvedic medicine for acidity.

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