Jasat & Vanga Bhasma acts as an antiseptic,
diuretic & it stimulates kidney function.
Uda removes infection & inflammation of
kidney & thus helps in urinary disorders.
Shuddha Hingul improves filtration &
Punarnava acts as a diuretic.
Gandhabiroja acts as a stimulant of nephrons to
facilitate the process of urination.
It also acts as an antispasmodic agent and gives
relief in painful urination.
Nephrowin is used in conditions like Burning
micturition, Oliguria, Albuminuria & Chronic
Nephritis etc.
Indications : Burning micturition, Oligouria,
albuminuria, chronic nephritis, gives relief in
painful urination, Diuretic, removes infection &
inflammation of kidney, etc
Each Tab. Contains :
Shuddha Hingul 10 mg.,
Vanga Bhasma 10 mg.,
Jasat Bhasma 20 mg.,
Yavakshar (Jav khar) 20
mg., Uda (Styrax benzoin)
20 mg., Gandhabiroja
(Ferula Galbaniflua) 40
mg., Punarnava Choorna
(Boerhaavia Diffusa) 40
mg., Gokharu Choorna
(Tribulus terestris) 40 mg.,
S h u d d h a G u g g u l
(Balsamodendron Mukul)
80 mg., & Excipients q.s.
Dose - 2 tablets twice
a day after meal or as
directed by the physician