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Sharangdhar Alitox | Skin Diseases

Rs. 360.00

Manjishtha, Daruharidra & Kadunimba : Help
to purify blood, anti-haemorrhoidal &
hepatostimulent in action. Act as anti-bacterial,
anti-viral & anti-fungal . It also helps to reduce
inflammation& healing of wound.
Gokshur & Sariva : Stimulates bile flow
Diuretic in action. It gives cooling effect. Good
nervine tonic.
Hirda, Behda, Amruta & Amalaki : It helps in
digestion, so good appetizer & carminative.
Hepato-protective, provides strength to all
sensory organs.
Shuddha guggul & Suddha gandhak : It helps in
detoxification, Anti-inflamatory, analgesic &
anti pruritic. It increases efficacy of the product.
Indications : Pimples, eczema, allergic
dermatitis, fast recovery in case of wound,
chronic infections of the ear, nose, throat, boils,
as blood purifier, etc.

Each Tab. Contains :
Manjishtha churna (Rubia
c o r d i f o l i a ) 2 0 m g . ,
D a r u h a r i d r a c h u r n a
(Berberis aristata) 20 mg.,
Haridra churna (Curcuma
longa) 20 mg., Shuddha
guggul (Balsamodendron
mukul) 30 mg., Amruta
c h u r n a ( Ti n o s p o r a
cordifolia) 20 mg., Gokshur
churna (Tribulus terristris)
20 mg., Kadunimb churna
(Azadirecta indica) 30 mg.,
Sariva churna (Hemidesmus
indicus) 30 mg., Hirda
churna (Terminalia chebula)
40 mg., Behada churna
(Terminalia belerica) 40
mg . , Ama l a k i c h u r n a
(Emblica officinalis) 40
mg., Shuddha Gandhak
(Purified sulphur) 20 mg. &
Excipients q. s