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Sharangdhar Feminol

Rs. 390.00

Shatavari, Vidarikand & Ashwagandha : Good 
female tonic, aphrodisiac & galacto-gogue in 
nature. Helps in strengthening reproductive 
system &normalizes body function.
Prawal : Rich source of calcium. Tonic for heart 
& brain, gives cooling effect to body.
Mandoor Bhasma: Rich source of Iron. Acts as 
haematinic & hepatoprotective.
Kavachbeej : Its a good nervine tonic, stimulates 
brain to secrete growth hormons. Acts as an antidepressent, helps to stimulate ovulation.
Indications : Good female tonic, galacto-gogue, 
strengthening reproductive system, rich source 
of calcium & Iron, nervine tonic, keeps hormonal 
balance, anti-depressent, helps to stimulate 
ovulation, etc.Shatavari, Vidarikand & Ashwagandha : Good 
female tonic, aphrodisiac & galacto-gogue in 
nature. Helps in strengthening reproductive 
system &normalizes body function.
Prawal : Rich source of calcium. Tonic for heart 
& brain, gives cooling effect to body.
Mandoor Bhasma: Rich source of Iron. Acts as 
haematinic & hepatoprotective.
Kavachbeej : Its a good nervine tonic, stimulates 
brain to secrete growth hormons. Acts as an antidepressent, helps to stimulate ovulation.
Indications : Good female tonic, galacto-gogue, 
strengthening reproductive system, rich source 
of calcium & Iron, nervine tonic, keeps hormonal 
balance, anti-depressent, helps to stimulate 
ovulation, etc.

Each Tab. Contains : 
Shatavari churna (Asparagus 
racemosus) 1 0 0 m g . , 
Vidarikanda churna (Ipomoea 
digitata) 1 0 0 m g . , 
As hwa g a n d h a c h u r n a 
(Withania somnifera) 50 mg., 
Kavachbeej churna (Mucuna 
pruriens) 50 mg., Mandoor 
bhasma (Iron rust ash) 20 mg. 
& Excipients q. s.

Dose - 2 tablets twice 
a day after meal or as 
directed by the physician