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Sharangdhar Hepatreat | Liver

Rs. 330.00

Punarnava, Gokshur, Daruharidra act as a blood
purifier and diuretic and wash out the toxins. Its
anti-inflamatory action can be used in biliary stone.

Guggul, Katuka & Kirattikta are good appetiser &
have wormicidal, anti-bacterial & anti-viral
properties. Its helps to improve liver function.

Mandoor Bhasma is one of the best haematinic
and increases blood count specially in anaemia.

Shankha Bhasma subsides pain due to
inflammation of GI tract & liver. It acts as a pain
killer & regulates digestion.

Chitrak & Kumari Ghansar removes obstruction
in flow of Pitta, Rakta and increases digestive
power, so helps in anaemia & anorexia.

Indications :  anaemia,
anorexia, alcoholic liver, jaundice, biliary stone,
Wormicidal, improves digestion, sluggish liver,
liver-cirrhosis, etc.


Dose - 2 tablets twice
a day before half an hour
of meal with water or as
directed by the physician.